ATOA’s Multiphysics Engineering Simulation capability is packaged as Industrial solution Technology to solve industrial problems of our clients. We adopt virtual simulation methodology to make Concurrent engineering based first time right and cost effective product development a reality to our clients. The design simulation technology for a given industry is packaged into material, product, process and system level industry specific solutions. Life Prediction, Optimization, Engineering tools and 3D printing are also part of ATOA’s Industrial Solutions. Industrial Technology packaging enables us to leverage the best practices in industry verticals and offer innovative solution across the industry. We offer the following Industrial Design Technology solution.
Engineered Material Design: Virtual Material design by inverse engineering application requirements to materials design parameter.
Innovative Product Design: Industry specific Multiphysics Engineered product design Technology for meeting multiple Design Requirements.
Efficient Process Design: Multiphysics Process simulation Technologies for cost effective and faster Manufacturing.
Life Prediction: Concurrent Engineering Design methods for fatigue, creep, time dependent and service level performance prediction.
Optimization: Shape, size, nature inspired Evolutionary and Multiphysics optimisation.
Engineering tools: Engineering Calculators, web tools, online-cae and Engineering apps for Design on the Go!
- 3D printing: Product development solution from concept to CAD to CAE to CAM for the first time right products.
Multiphysics simulations to predict the performance of the product design to ensure that the product can meet all the design requirements, Process simulations to ensure that the product can be manufactured with the given cost, time and tolerance guidelines
System level simulations to ensure that the product can meet the long term time dependent performance requirements such fatigue, creep, damage and impact.
Additionally health or condition monitoring system for service life prediction is offered as part of the industrial technology solution for real time life prediction.
We provide visual aesthetic or photometric simulations to ensure that the product will look the same for styling design. All this integration is performed using in digital environment using a single CAD model across multiple domain with appropriate equation and software based coupling.
All this will be executed to meet customer requirements virtually. This means that the design is checked virtually for all the possible scenarios leveraging physics based models to simulate the reality. Experimental and characterization inputs are also added to the simulations for faster convergence to the required design. The domain expertise and advantages of our industrial simulation technology provide competitive edge to our clients.
Our clients will benefit immensely from our concurrent industrial simulation technology. We partner with our customers to mimic real world into a virtual world for cost effective and faster product development. Design methodologies developed by ATOA can be offered as easy to use tool for our clients, delivered as web spreadsheet, web application, online-cae and Engineering smart phone apps. ATOA’s 3D printing solution enables us fabricate the CAE engineered prototype.
Our industrial technology offering span across, aerospace, defense, automotive, Energy, medical, packaging, infrastructure and industrial verticals. The technology adaptation knowledge of new technology across various industry helps us to position and introduce the New technology at the appropriate adoption rate for our client benefits.