All the products known ages with time. The intended design functionality can deteriorate over time. We provide Simulation services to predict the service life or time dependent behavior of products. The successful design for time dependent phenomenon always incorporates good practical experience coupled with experimental data.
The typical simulation services under this category include
Long - term time dependent or cyclic nature of loading effects such as fatigue life prediction
Damage growth prediction
Creep behavior prediction
Stress relaxation performance prediction.
The dynamic or strain rate dependent application of load is also critical for impact , seismic -8+9*5and crash simulations.
Some of The Simulation Examples Include,
Extreme load cases such as design for storm/ hurricane, earth quakes, water waves.
The multiphysics specialty enables us to offer services in coupled effects such as stress assisted corrosion, Radiation damage plus fatigue, residual performance prediction.
The SN curve is a good representation of life prediction.